Following her acclaimed documentary "A Night of Knowing Nothing," writer-director Payal Kapadia steps into the world of fiction with "All We Imagine as Light". This film beautifully captures the journey of two women at pivotal moments in their lives. Transitioning from the vibrant energy of the city to the serenity of a seaside escape, it reveals the profoundness woven into emotional shifts and the beauty of everyday experiences.
In Mumbai, Nurse Prabha’s routine takes an unexpected turn when she receives a surprising gift from her estranged husband. Her younger roommate, Anu, seeks a special place in the city to connect with her boyfriend. A journey to a beach town opens up a world where their desires can finally flourish.
After winning the Grand Prix at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, "All We Imagine as Light" was one of four films shortlisted by France's Oscar committee for consideration as the official submission for Best International Feature Film.